Segmented Tank Heads

Solutions for Big Projects
Segmented Tank Heads
Brighton Tru-Edge fabricated segmented domes, hemispheres, 2:1 elliptical, and ASME flanged & dished heads when projects call for larger pressing capacities. With most of these segmented heads, we fabricate large dollar caps and segments. Our ASME welders can fully weld while meeting ASME codes and standards, enabling minimized welding while assembling in the field.
Hemispherical Heads
Hemispherical (hemi) heads are the strongest formed heads. They can resist about twice the pressure of an elliptical dished head or cylindrical shell of the same thickness and diameter. Because of their strength and resistance, these tank heads are widely used to store liquids and gases under pressure.
When space is limited, a hemi-head is frequently employed in large-diameter or high-pressure applications. A storage sphere is formed by combining two spherical heads back-to-back, which is the most efficient shape for pressurized storage.

Tru-Cut 3D Nozzle Hole Cutting
The next evolution of our industry’s best tank head manufacturing is pre-cut nozzle holes to save manual labor, eliminate costly mistakes, and increase your project profitability.